Friday, March 20, 2015

ISIS Attacks Yemen

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Yemen Suicide Bombings

Sanaa bombing
A Houthi militant looks at a damaged building caused by the suicide bombings.
Source: Newsweek

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the suicide bombings in Yemen today, which killed at least 126 people and injured hundreds more. The bombings took place in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, and was carried out by two Shiite mosques. The Shittes had been under attack by the Houthi rebels, who took control of the capital in September. ISIS released an official statement stating that they were behind the attacks.

Another terrorist group in the region, AQAP, the Yemen al-Qaeda franchise, has destined themselves from the attack, making no comment. This is the first known attack in Yemen by ISIS, and they might be trying to establish a larger presence in the region. Charlie Winter, a researcher at the anti-radicalism organization, states, "They are trying to stoke tensions as much as possible. ISIS is trying to put itself on the map in Yemen." And while the capital is under firm control by the Houthi, ISIS could be potentially waiting to strike if Yemen falls into chaos.

ISIS will continue its rein of terror and destruction in the Middle East. Where ever there is a power void in the Middle East, ISIS will be there to fill it. They are gaining strength and power each day, and will not go away until they spread their radical culture. ISIS wants to destroy Western culture, and will stop at nothing to do it. They pose a great threat to democracy, and the United States way of life. Eventually, US troops will be needed to neutralize the ISIS threat. Drone strikes are not sufficient enough, and troops on the ground will be required. War is inevitable, and necessary to maintain Western culture, and stop the spread of radical Islam. 

Source: Time

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